How to Determine the Vibrational Force & Anatomy of Your Desire

Want to effortlessly boost the vibrational force an anatomy of any desire? Download this FREE printable Desire Energies Booster Journal + Daily Tracker to rapidly course-correct any manifestation.

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Ahhhh Desire... For some, it is a delicious yearning that begs them forward into some new adventure.

For others, it is a terrible lover whispering to their most secret heart: Of something cherished... and yet distant... that deeply aches.

Desire is no simple thing for human beings.

On top of that, it is the defining factor for any manifestation. So why do most people struggle with desire?

The challenge most people face with desire is that mixed in with the positive aspects of wanting are a host of negatively-charged energies:

  • Unresolved emotions from past experiences when you didn't get what you wanted
  • Beliefs you've developed as a result.
  • Unconscious programs your brain or energy system adopted in order to protect you... that often imprisons you instead.
  • Negative conditioning about what you are allowed to want, do, be or have.

These energies, mixed into the vibration of desire, tend to match with the lack of what is desired. 

And so the vibrational anatomy of any desire is often a mixed bag of opposing energies that plays out like a wrestling smackdown.

The vibrational anatomy of any desire is often a mixed bag of opposing energies that plays out like a wrestling smackdown.

On the one hand, we have positive energies vibrating at the frequency of our desire:

For love... prosperity... connection... awakening... or any other desire.

Then on the other hand, we have negatively-charged energies that vibrate at an opposing frequency.

Those opposing energies cancel out the positive ones and, in many cases, can overtake them.

And hence we can end up manifesting what we DO NOT want.


Just enter your email address to download this gorgeous printable Desire Energies Booster Journal + Daily Tracker!

How to Get a Handle On Your Desire

The solution to this is to first identify the current vibrational quality of your desire, and then deliberately shape it to match what you REALLY want.

Understanding the Vibrational Quality of Your Desire

You are broadcasting your desire to the Universe whenever you give thought or attention to the subject of your desire.

The vibrational quality of your attention in any moment is then offered to the Universe as your request for more of that which you are focusing on.

So if you spend 10 minutes each morning focusing on positive aspects of your desire...

But you find yourself spending multiple chunks of time later in the day focusing on negative aspects of what you DO NOT want in your current life...

All the Universe looks at is the nature of your attention.

You attract what you focus on: Whether you want it or not.

Demystifying the Nature of Desire

Nearly every moment of every day, something has your attention or focus.

As far as the Universe is concerned, whatever is most consistently the subject of your attention or thought, must be what you'd like to increase or experience more of, and so it gives you that.

The Universe isn't guessing.

It's not arbitrarily giving you energies and experiences.

The Universe always reflects back to you the energies that vibrationally match the energies of your most enduring attention.

In other words, every time you focus on the subject of your desire, you launch your asking to the Universe for an exact match to the nature of your attention.

If your attention is negatively-charged, it is "requesting" a matching negative outcome.

If your attention is positive, it is "requesting" a matching positive outcome.

What might your overall vibrational offering look like for a particular desire?

The Vibrational Anatomy of Desire:

An Example:

Let's imagine that we have a dad who's desire is:

To start a new online business and, within 90 days, have an income of $10,000 per month.

Let us also imagine that he is no stranger to manifesting.

He's so fired up about his new business idea that he's got a business plan completed... a marketing campaign designed... and an Intention Statement + Affrimations to boot!

The TOTAL VIBRATIONAL OFFERING for this dad's desire might break down something like this:

Conscious Offerings:

  • I WILL achieve a recurring income of $10,000 per month within the next 90 days!
  • feel thrilled by my business idea and I can't wait to launch it!
  • I can visualize exactly how my online business will unfold and I believe in its success!
  • ... though I felt that way about the last idea, and it didn't work out...
  • I feel abundant though! I do!
  • [the next day...] Crap, that's two bills I wasn't expecting. Where am I going to find this money?
  • Do I increase debt to go all in on this idea or do I bootstrap it which will take longer and bleed money anyway?
  • I need to know which option will work. My family depends on me.
  • I always find a way... I always find a way... I always find a way...
  • But what does my daughter think of me? She already thinks Santa doesn't care enough to get her what she really wants. I don't want to be THAT Dad...

Subconscious Offerings:

  • Every memory ever where an attempt to make money didn't meet expectations
  • Every doubt and fear that without money, I am not worthy, I'm not doing enough, I'm a bad father, My wife deserves better, My peers were right that I'd never amount to anything
  • Every limiting belief and negative conditioning my parents had, their parents had, all through the ancestry, embedded epigenetically in the DNA
  • Every negatively charged experience about self-worth, money or being able to provide for loved ones, stored as negative emotional energy in the body's tissues and brain chemistry
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of success
  • Fear of the unknown
  • The unmet need for certainty, security, and the threat of lost love if I fail
  • ... and on and on and on...

You might notice that I didn't list any positive associations under Subconscious Offerings.

This is not to suggest that in this example, the Dad has never had a positive past association around money, success or worth.

Rather, most of the emotionally-charged subconscious content one has {before doing monumental transformational work to clear the subconscious and re-program associations} is, by definition, unresolved, and hence negatively charged.

We're going to circle back around to these lists in a moment, and they are of course by no means complete or exact.

But for now, can you see that for any desire, what you are actually focusing your thought and attention on may be far more than ONLY the thing that you say you want?

The more you build energy around a thought through repeated focus, the more you align your total vibrational offering to match the frequency of those thoughts.

You begin to draw to you that which you are focusing on... whether you want it or not.


Just enter your email address to download this gorgeous printable Desire Energies Booster Journal + Daily Tracker!

The Common Mistake Most People Make...

One of the most common reasons people struggle to manifest their desire is that their focus is mostly on what is, rather than on what is possible and desired.

Common sense tells them that they don't want to be disappointed.

They need to hedge their bets. They don't want to look like a fool or get taken advantage of.

Yet that common sense is why the common individual is dissatisfied and feeling powerless in life!

When they focus primarily on what already is, the Universe can do nothing else but give them more of that.

Do This Instead: Imagine Your Desire Has a Scoreboard

Whenever you give attention to the subject of your desire...

If your attention elicits a powerful emotion it will become supercharged vibrationally and will count more towards your overall vibrational offering to the Universe for manifestation.

Powerful emotion translates into an energetic charge. The more intense the emotion, the greater the charge.

When you know this, you can begin to discern the vibrational anatomy of your desire by charting it out like a scoreboard.

To illustrate, let's imagine that each of the conscious and subconscious expressions listed above have a range of emotional charge associated with them.

We'll assign them a charge from -3 {immense negative charge} to 0 {neutral} to +3 {immense positive charge}.

While your attention is what attracts via your total vibrational offering around the subject of your attention... it is by your emotional charge that you can determine the thought's manifesting power and gauge whether it is manifesting FOR or AGAINST your desire.

For example:

Conscious Offerings:

  • I WILL achieve a recurring income of $10,000 per month within the next 90 days! {+2}
  • feel thrilled by my business idea and I can't wait to launch it! {+3}
  • I can visualize exactly how my online business will unfold and I believe in its success! {+2}
  • ... though I felt that way about the last idea, and it didn't work out... {-2}
  • I feel abundant though! I do! {+1}
  • [the next day...] Crap, that's two bills I wasn't expecting. Where am I going to find this money? {-3}
  • Do I increase debt to go all in on this idea or do I bootstrap it which will take longer and bleed money anyway? {-1}
  • I need to know which option will work. My family depends on me. {-1}
  • I always find a way... I always find a way... I always find a way... {0}
  • But what does my daughter think of me? She already thinks Santa doesn't care enough to get her what she really wants. I don't want to be THAT Dad... {-3}

Subconscious Offerings:

  • Every memory ever where an attempt to make money didn't meet expectations {-310}
  • Every doubt and fear that without money, I am not worthy, I'm not doing enough, I'm a bad father, My wife deserves better, My peers were right that I'd never amount to anything {-330}
  • Every limiting belief and negative conditioning my parents had, their parents had, all through the ancestry, embedded epigenetically in the DNA {-2100}
  • Every negatively charged experience about self-worth, money or being able to provide for loved ones, stored as negative emotional energy in the body's tissues and brain chemistry {-225}
  • Fear of failure {-35}
  • Fear of success {-2}
  • Fear of the unknown {-1}
  • The unmet need for certainty, security, and the threat of lost love if I fail {-3}
  • ... and on and on and on...

What's the first thing you notice about the lists above, now looking at their emotional charge?

At the conscious level, this Dad is vibrating in the opposite direction of what he desires, but not terribly.

His conscious vibrational offering balances out to about -2 {+8 and -10 respectively}.

Were he to only consider his conscious expressions, he would simply focus his attention on positive affirmations and perhaps some positive-feeling visualizations each day and he'd definitely be in the positive.

But I bet that wasn't the first thing you noticed, was it?

If you're like most people, you may have been slightly taken aback by the astronomical numbers associated with each subconscious offering.

It is important to note that different people experience thoughts differently, based on their personal experiences, conditioning and genetic makeup.

The actual numbers referenced above are arbitrary and for illustrative purposes only.

However, I will tell you that as a clairvoyant constantly working with people's subconscious content, what we often find are seemingly impossible numbers like "100,000% negative charge" compared to a normal present-time emotion that flows effortlessly into and out of your field.

All of those subconscious offerings with their astronomical negative charge are contributing to {and likely dominating} the overall vibrational offering of your desire.

Luckily, with the right tools, they are still quite easy to release out of your energy field.

Here's a FREE Journal + Daily Tracker I use for tracking my financial energies and money mindset:


Just enter your email address to download this gorgeous printable Desire Energies Booster Journal + Daily Tracker!

Here's how you can track and determine the vibrational anatomy of your desire:

Download and print the daily tracker, and then:

1Take the Journal + Daily Tracker {or your own small notebook} with you for a few days and jot down any thought, conversation, or self-talk related to the subject of your desire.

2Then consider what subconscious blocks such as limiting beliefs, negative conditioning or fears might also be associated with your desire.

3Assign each offering a numerical value that means something to you. You can use the scoring example I provided here or whatever feels best to you.

The above Desire Energies Tracker is already pre-designed with all the appropriate page templates and step-by-step instructions.

Just remember that subconscious content is often vast and stacked across our entire life experience. It can contribute dozens to thousands times more vibrational force than our conscious offerings.

Conscious content only contributes the vibrational force of the conscious thought, feeling or action by itself.

As a guideline, consider on a scale of 1 to 10 or 1 to 100 how intense any limiting belief, conditioning or fear might be in your own system.

Then give it that number as an exponential multiplier of the subconscious offering, i.e. -330

And don't worry if you find that most of the vibrational force of desire is siding way on the negative side.

Knowledge and awareness are power, and now you can see that anywhere you are NOT getting what you desire is not necessarily a failing on your part, your worth, your deservingness, or anything else.

It's a vibrational problem ~ not a personal one.

You are more powerful than any subconscious block or limiting belief in your space.

And once you identify any unwanted negatively-charged energies, thoughts, emotions or blocks... then AND ONLY THEN can you begin to release and remove them.

But awareness must come first.

So use your daily energies tracker to figure out what's holding you and your desire back.

Once you receive your tracker, I'll also follow up with you with plenty of additional tools... including quick energy techniques you can use to remove the unwanted energies you identify out of your vibration.

So be sure to download your Desire Energies Booster Journal + Tracker. 🙂

Lots of love!


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