This Book Made Me $7000 in 72 Hours

If you want to manifest more money in your life, this book is a MUST READ. Wallace Wattles wrote the definitive book on how to manifest money ~ and he did it a whole twenty-seven years before Napoleon Hill wrote Think & Grow Rich!

How to Put Your Finances on an Ecstasy Trip

Here are 3 simple ways you can launch your finances on an ecstasy trip: genuine wealth that resonates with authentic fulfillment. With these easy action steps you’ll cultivate an effortless vibration of appreciation and overflow that will prime the pump of the universe for yummy abundance.

4 Signs Your Inner Child Ran Off With Your Money

Your Inner Child is adorable, precious and always putting things in its mouth that it shouldn’t. These are simply the things kids do. But did you really mean to sign over your bank accounts, wallet and earning power to the little munchkin?